Quantum Error-Correcting Codes

Quantum Error-Correcting Codes



January 21st
10:30-12:30 and 14:00-16:00
January 23rd
10:30-12:30 and 14:00-16:00.


Universitat Politécnica Catalunya
Room 101
Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadístiques.
Carrer de Pau Gargallo, 14,
08028 Barcelona
LecturersSimeon Ball (UPC) and Felix Huber (ICFO)
Course Description 
When storing or transmitting data, the data can be corrupted. Classical error-correcting codes have been used since the 1960’s to detect and correct these errors. Quantum mechanics allows for the storage of data on quantum particles which are also susceptible to corruption. Thus, the need for quantum error-correction. This course will be an introduction to quantum codes which will assume no prior knowledge of quantum mechanics or error-correcting codes. We will focus for a large part of the course on stabiliser codes which have an analogue in classical error-correcting codes. This will give us an opportunity to delve into classical error-correction too and it will turn out that some constructions of quantum codes can be lifted from the classical case. We will also discuss how certain stabiliser codes are equivalent to geometrical objects which occur in finite projective spaces. 
The target audience are graduates and faculty staff. It is expected that some of the students who have taken the coding theory option in the masters course will be interested. It is also aimed at the many researchers in the Barcelona area who are working on combinatorics, coding theory and information theory.


Simeon Ball (UPC) and Felix Huber (ICFO)

It is no more possible to register for this event


January 21st, 23rd, 28th, 30th, 2020.
Two hours each session.


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (TBC)

Course Description 
When storing or transmitting data, the data can be corrupted. Classical error-correcting codes have been used since the 1960’s to detect and correct these errors. Quantum mechanics allows for the storage of data on quantum particles which are also susceptible to corruption. Thus, the need for quantum error-correction. This course will be an introduction to quantum codes which will assume no prior knowledge of quantum mechanics or error-correcting codes. We will focus for a large part of the course on stabiliser codes which have an analogue in classical error-correcting codes. This will give us an opportunity to delve into classical error-correction too and it will turn out that some constructions of quantum codes can be lifted from the classical case. We will also discuss how certain stabiliser codes are equivalent to geometrical objects which occur in finite projective spaces. 
The target audience are graduates and faculty staff. It is expected that some of the students who have taken the coding theory option in the masters course will be interested. It is also aimed at the many researchers in the Barcelona area who are working on combinatorics, coding theory and information theory.


Simeon Ball (UPC) and Felix Huber (ICFO)

BGSMath Organisers

1. Introduction: Hilbert spaces, linear operators, Pauli matrices, error groups.
2. Quantum codes: error detection and correction, stabiliser codes, classical analogue.
3. Geometry of classical and quantum codes.
4. MacWilliams identities; classical, stabiliser and quantum codes.
5. MDS codes: classical, stabiliser and quantum codes.
David G. Glynn, T. Aaron Gulliver, Johannes G. Maks and Manish K. Gupta “The Geometry of Additive Quantum Codes” available at 

Avanti Ketkar, Andreas Klappenecker, Santosh Kumar, Pradeep Kiran Sarvepalli, “Nonbinary stabilizer codes over finite fields” available at 

D. Gottesman, ”An Introduction to Quantum Error Correction and Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation” (2009), available at


W. J. Martin, ”A physics-free introduction to quantum error correcting codes”
{\em Util. Math.}, {\bf 65} (2004) 133–158.
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