PhD career opportunities

PhD career opportunities

Talent attraction and nurturing is a strategic priority at BGSMath, as an excellent scientific record in mathematics is built upon excellent people more than anything else. BGSMath strives to deliver the best possible training for graduates and early stage researchers in all areas of mathematics, reaching computer science, modeling in life and social sciences, and data science.

The BGSMath Doctoral Programme offers a full-fledged training package for our young researchers

  1. Mathematical skills: Intensive advanced graduate courses are available every semester on specialized topics. The courses are organized by BGSMath members and taught by internationally recognized scientific leaders of the different areas.
  2. An itinerary of generic research and transferrable skills Communication, tech transfer and innovation basics, responsible research and innovation, how to write research proposals, career management, among others.
Recruitment opportunities arise throughout the year thanks to a number of agencies, both governmental and non-governmental, university fellowships, as well as our groups’ projects and initiatives. See below for the relevant information.
If you are interested in becoming a BGSMath graduate student, we encourage you to contact a researcher in our Faculty close to your research interests.