Petia Radeva
I am the head of “Computer Vision at UB” Consolidated group at the University of Barcelona and the head of MiLab of Computer Vision Center ( h-index of 33 according to Google Academic, with 1138 citations publishing 95 JCR articles and 232 international scientific publications. Associate editor of Journal on Visual Communication and Image Representation. Member of many program committees, local area chair of ICPR’2016, CVPR’2014, member of PC of MICCAI’2015, etc. Icrea Academia’2015 award by the Catalonian Government for the best 30 investigators of the year. Vice-chair of REA-FET-OPEN-2-2015. Prize “Antonio Caparrós” for the best technology transfers of 2013 at UB. Coautor of 24 international patents in the field of Computer Vision applied to Medical Imaging.
Research lines
- Computer Vision
- Egocentric Vision
- Life-logging
- Machine learning
- TIC Applications to health
Selected publications
- Adriana Romero, Petia Radeva, Carlo Gatta: Meta-Parameter Free Unsupervised Sparse Feature Learning. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 37(8): 1716-1722 (2015).
- Francesco Ciompi, Oriol Pujol, Carlo Gatta, Marina Alberti, Simone Balocco, Xavier Carrillo, Josepa Mauri-Ferre, Petia Radeva: HoliMAb: A holistic approach for Media-Adventitia border detection in intravascular ultrasound. Medical Image Analysis 16(6): 1085-1100 (2012).
- Michal Drozdzal, Santi Seguí, Petia Radeva, Carolina Malagelada, Fernando Azpiroz, Jordi Vitrià: Motility bar: A new tool for motility analysis of endoluminal videos. Comp. in Bio. and Med. 65:320-330 (2015).
- Francesco Ciompi; Oriol Pujol; Petia Radeva. ECOC-DRF: Discriminative random fields based on error correcting output codes. 908415 – Pattern Recognition. 47 – 6, pp. 2193 – 2204. (Regne Unit): Elsevier Ltd, 2014. ISSN 0031-3203.
- Simone Balocco; Carlo Gatta; Marina Alberti; Xavier Carrillo; Juan Rigla; Petia Radeva. Relation between plaque type, plaque thickness, blood shear stress, and plaque stress in coronary arteries assessed by X-ray angiography and intravascular ultrasound. 903598 – Medical Physics. 39 – 12, pp. 7430 – 7445.