Olga Mantziou

at UB
Research area: Computer Science

PhD Advisors: Mireia RiberaTurro


My long term research interests involve the development of software for children with specific learning disorders. I obtained two bachelor degrees at the University of Ioannina (Greece) concerning Pedagogics and Information Technology. While in three master studies I focused on “Specific Learning Disorders-Dyslexia” (University of Ioannina), “Special Education- Intellectual Disability” (University of Thessaloniki) and “Mathematics and Informatics” (University of Ioannina).

Since February 2018, I am a PhD Student in UB department of Mathematics and Informatics under the supervision of Prof. Mireia Isabel Ribera Turro as well as the Prof. Anastasios Tassos Mikropoulos. My research focuses on the development of 3D MUVEs in spatial reasoning skills enhancement in children with Specific Learning Disorders.

Selected publications

Mantziou, O., Vrellis, I., & Mikropoulos, T. A. (2015). Do Children in the Spectrum of Autism Interact with Real-time Emotionally Expressive Human Controlled Avatars? In Procedia Computer Science (Vol. 67, pp. 241–251). Elsevier B.V. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2015.09.268

Mantziou, O., Papachristos, N. & Mikropoulos, T.A. (2018). Learning activities as enactments of learning affordances in MUVEs: A review-based classification. Education and Information Technologies, 1-29.