Marina Garrote-López

at BGSMath - UPC
Research area: Algebra / Mathematical Modelling

PhD Advisors: Marta Casanellas, Jesús Fernández-Sánchez


In June 2014, I graduated in Mathematics at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and I did an initial immersion in the field of Phylogenetics, doing my Bachelor's Thesis under the supervision of Professor Marta Casanellas.  During the course 2014-2015 I did the MSc in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering at UPC and I worked in my final thesis titled Multilinear algebra for phylogenetic reconstruction directed by Professor M. Casanellas and Professor Jesús Fernández-Sánchez at Mathematics department where I obtained the grade 10-Special distinction.

Currently, I am a PhD Student at the BGSMath-UPC under the supervision of Professor M. Casanellas and Professor J. Fernández-Sánchez. Our ongoing research is a continuation of my master thesis which has left with a lot of interesting further studies to do. The aim of our research is to use phylogenetic invariants and the stochasticity of the parameters of the general Markov model to provide insight into phylogenetic inference and to design new methods for phylogenetic reconstruction.

Selected publications

M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, M. Garrote-López, The inertia of the symmetric approximation for low rank matrices, Linear and Multilinear algebra, download, 2017

M. Garrote-López, Stochasticity conditions for the general Markov, Reports@SCM Vol.2, No.1, 2016