Gemma Huguet
Lecturer at UPC
Research area: Dynamical Systems
PhD in Mathematics obtained at UPC
I obtained my PhD in Applied Mathematics at UPC, when I worked on theoretical and computational projects in dynamical systems. During my PhD. studies I did research stays at the MBI at Ohio State University (Prof David Terman) and the Department of Mathematics at UT Austin (Prof. Rafael de la Llave). I was a postdoctoral fellow,first at CRM,and later for 3.5 yearsat the CNS and Courant Institute (NYU)under the mentorship of John Rinzel, when I enhanced my training in mathematical neuroscience by designing models in contact with experimentalists. Since December 2012 I am a research fellow at UPC (Juan de la Cierva and Ramon y Cajal), enhancing the research line of computational neuroscience in the Dynamical Systems group.
Research lines
- Dynamical Systems
- Computational Neuroscience
- Numerical methods
Selected publications
- Gemma Huguet ,John Rinzel and Jean Michel Hupé. Noise and adaptation in multistable perception: noise drives when to switch, adaptation determines percept choice. Journal of Vision, 14 (3), 2014
- Gemma Huguet and Rafael de la Llave.Computation of limit cycles and their isochrons: Fast algorithms and their convergence. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 12(4): 1763-1802, 2013
- John Rinzel and Gemma Huguet.Nonlinear Dynamics of Neuronal Excitability, Oscillations, and Coincidence Detection. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 66(9):1464-1494, 2013
- Antoni Guillamon and Gemma Huguet.A Computational and Geometric Approach to Phase Resetting Curves and Surfaces.SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 8(3): 1005-1042, 2009
- AmadeuDelshams and Gemma Huguet.Geography of resonances and Arnold diffusion in a priori unstable Hamiltonian systems. Nonlinearity, 22(8): 1997-2077, 2009