Maria Alberich-Carramiñana

Full professor at UPC
Research area: Geometry

PhD in Mathematics obtained at UB


I finished my PhD thesis under the supervision of Eduard Casas-Alvero in 2001 for which I received the Extraordinary Thesis Award at the Universitat de Barcelona. After that I obtained a “Ramón y Cajal” postdoctoral position to join the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). I’ve been working at UPC since 2001 and I’m a Professor Agregat since 2005. I have co-advised one Ph.D thesis and I’m actually co-advising another one. From 2010 I am also interested in Mathematics dissemination and I am member of the Committee “IMAGINARY-RSME ” of the Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME). In 2012 I was awarded with a Honorable Mention in the prizes “Ciencia en Acción”.

Research lines

  • Singularity Theory.
  • Algebraic Geometry.
  • Geometric methods in Robotics.
  • Mathematics dissemination.

Selected publications

  • Poincaré series of multiplier ideals in two-dimensional local rings with rational singularities (j.w. J. Àlvarez Montaner, F. Dachs-Cadefau, and V. González-Alonso). Advances in Mathematics, 304 (2017), 769-792.
  • Determining plane curve singularities from its polars (j.w. V. González-Alonso). Advances in Mathematics, 287 (2016), 788-822.
  • Partially-flagged parallel manipulators: singularity charting and avoidance (j.w. M. Garolera, F. Thomas and C. Torras). IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 25 (2009), 771-784.
  • Equisingularity classes of birational projections of normal singularities to a plane (j.w. J. Fernández-Sánchez). Advances in Mathematics, 216 (2007), 753-770.
  • Geometry of the plane Cremona maps. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1769 (2002), the whole monograph: 1-255, Berlin-Heidelberg Springer-Verlag.