VIII Complexitat Day


VIII Complexitat Day





21 May 2019


Institut d’Estudis Catalans
Carrer del Carme 47
08001 Barcelona

COMPLEXITAT is the Catalan Network for the Study of Complex Systems. It brings together researchers from diverse disciplines with the goal of promoting the research and popularization of complexity science.

The greatest challenges faced by society lay at the interface between traditional scientific disciplines–chemistry and economics, social sciences and computer science, physics and biology. A common characteristic of these challenges is that they involve many components that influence each other in non-trivial ways; in this sense, these are complex systems. With many recognized researchers in complex systems, Catalonia has become an international hub for complexity science.

Among other initiatives, organizes an annual meeting, in which its members gather for a day to display their work, discuss and exchange ideas, or as an opportunity to meet future students. This year, the VIII Jornada de la Complexitat: “Interdisciplinary Research on Complexity” will be held at Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, on May 21, organized by the Complex Systems Group at CRM.


19 June 2019


Shannon Seminar QC/2012.
Escola d’Enginyeria.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


The foundations of classical coding theory are described with specific attention to the MacWilliams relations and the Singleton bound.  The transfer of these fundamental ideas to coding theory over more general alphabets is described. The use of rings in coding theory is also highlighted. We end with a discussion of the major open problems in coding theory.

BGSMath Organisers

Jordi Baró (CRM & BGSMath)
Álvaro Corral (CRM & BGSMath)
Josep Sardanyés (CRM & BGSMath)
Isabel Serra (CRM)

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