Introduction to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)

Introduction to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)


9th Oct 2017


Sala Prat de la Riba, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.

This session is part of the  BMS-BGSMath Junior Meeting.


The talk will provide us with ideas to plan and execute scientific research taking into account aspects such as accountability and transparence, through the application of open science/open software/open data approaches, think of more and better interaction with society at large, and manage diversity in research teams and organizations.


9th Oct 2017


Sala Prat de la Riba, Inst Estudis Catalans.


Dr. Rosina Malagrida (Head of the Living Lab for Health at IrsiCaixa)

Head of the Living Lab for Health at IrsiCaixa, Barcelona, where she leads initiatives that promote deliberation processes where different stakeholders can participate in R&I priority setting and in transdisciplinary R&I projects aimed at health promotion and developed with and for communities. She is also in charge of training and advising universities, research centres and innovation agencies on how to implement Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Open Science. She is IP of the EC projects: EnRRICH and INSPIRES, within which she has settled a new Science Shop, CRISH, to facilitate training on patient experience and RRI and FIT4Food, to transform the food R&I system by taking a food systems and RRI perspective. She is also coordinator of the european educational programme Xplore Health, aimed at decreasing the gap between research and education. She was also the deputy coordinator of the former EC funded project RRI Tools, and has participated as IP in several EC funded projects in RRI and nanotechnologies. In the past she worked in the Science Museums of London and Barcelona, and in the Barcelona Science Park leading programmes to decrease the gap between research and society.

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