Intensive Research Program in Discrete, Combinatorial and Computational Geometry

Intensive Research Program in Discrete, Combinatorial and Computational Geometry


16 April – 8 June 2018


8 weeks in total


Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM).

This intensive research program will consist of 8 weeks of activities focused on hot topics in discrete, combinatorial and computational geometry and their intricate relationships. The program will bring together leading researchers from all over the world to work on open problems, and to analyze its present state and perspectives. The program has been designed to be interesting for both senior researchers and advanced PhD students. The planned activities combine learning opportunities and research collaboration chances in problems of theoretical nature in combinatorial and discrete geometry, algorithmic problems from computational geometry, and implementation issues in specialized software.

The central part of the program is composed of 5 consecutive weeks, including two advanced courses, each followed by a week of topic-related inspiring lectures, and a hand-on course on geometric software.

In addition, the central part of the program will be followed by three more weeks of activities:


  • May 22-25: Working and interacting week, with seminar talks.
  • May 28-June 1: CONNECT workshop on geometric and algorithmic aspects of networks
  • June 4-8: 5th Austrian-Japanese-Mexican-Spanish workshop on discrete geometry

Scientific Committee



Early registration: 28 February 2018.

Check registration fees & details  here.

Click here to proceed to the registration form

After filling-in the form you will receive an email with instructions on how to finish the registration at the CRM web site, where you will be able to provide the payment information for the registration fee.


Consult the list of top-level lecturers here.

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