Narciso Román-Roy

Full professor at UPC
Research area: Geometry

PhD in Physics obtained at UB


Research group on Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, and Applications (DGDSA),
integrated in the UPC group Geometry of Manifolds and Applications (GEOMVAP) and in the Geometry Mechanics and Control Network (GMC Network).

Research projects: 12 national research projects (6 as IP) and 5 local projects.

Summary of publications (papers, until 2020): 74 in journals, 20 in proceedings of scientific meetings, 2 in books, 4 on teaching development, 2 scientific essays, 1 book.
Citations: Scholar Google: 1976, h-index= 28 / ResearchGate: 1592, h=23 / Scopus Publons: 838, h=16 / Mendeley: 871, h=17 / MathSciNet: 255 (since 2000).
Communications in scientific meetings (until 2020): 55 (26 invited).

Member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics (IJGMMP), for 14 years.


Researcher ID: C-9356-2012.
Orcid Code: 0000-0003-3663-9861.

Research lines

? Geometry of Classical Field Theories
? Geometric Mechanics
? Symplectic and multisymplectic geometry
? Variational Principles
? Optimal Control Theory

Selected publications