Joana Cirici

Serra Húnter Lecturer at UB
Research area: Topology / Geometry

PhD in Mathematics obtained at Universitat de Barcelona (2012)


2019 - ... | Serra Húnter Lecturer at Universitat de Barcelona
2018-2019 | Beatriu de Pinós Fellowship at Universitat de Barcelona
2017-2018 | Postdoctoral researcher at University of Münster
2012-2017 | Postdoctoral researcher at Freie Universität Berlin
2012 | PhD at Universitat de Barcelona

Research lines

  • Topology of algebraic varieties and mixed Hodge theory;
  • Multiplicative structures in homotopical algebra and cohomological operations;
  • Rational and p-adic homotopy theory, operads and formality;
  • Topology of complex and almost complex manifolds;
  • Singularities and intersection cohomology.

Selected publications

Mixed Hodge structures and formality of symmetric monoidal functors (with Geoffroy Horel)
Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure, 53(4):1071--1104, 2020.

Topological and geometric aspects of almost Kähler manifolds via harmonic theory (with Scott O. Wilson)
Selecta Mathematica 26, 35 (2020).

Model category structures and spectral sequences (with Daniela Egas Santander, Muriel Livernet and Sarah Whitehouse)
Proceedings A of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, First Online 1 August 2019.

Rational Homotopy and Intersection-Formality of Complex Algebraic Varieties (with David Chataur)
Revista Matemática Complutense, 31 (2018), no 2, 479--524.

Cofibrant models of diagrams: mixed Hodge structures in rational homotopy
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (2015), no.8, 5935--5970.