Eduardo Soto

at UB
Research area: Number Theory


I obtained my bachelor in Mathematics and my Master in Advanced Mathematics at the University of Barcelona in June 2013 and June 2014 respectively.

During my studies there, I started working in number theory, getting introduced to p-adic numbers and representation theory. My projects "El contraexemple de Selmer al principi de Hasse" supervised by Dr. Pilar Bayer and "Congruence relations between rational elliptic curves"  supervised by Dr. Luis Dieulefait are evindences of that fact.

Since September 2014, I am PhD student in the University of Barcelona with L. Dieulefait and R.M. Miró Roig as advisors. I am working in representation theory, Galois representations attached to automorphic forms and some Fermat-type Diophantine equations.

Selected publications

Luis Dieulefait, Eduardo Soto,
On congruences between normalized eigenforms with different sign at a Steinberg prime
Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 34 (2018), no. 1, 413–421. 

Luis Dieulefait, Eduardo Soto,
Raising the level at your favorite prime, submitted (2018)

E. Soto & L. Dieulefait,
Solving axp + byp = czp with abc containing an arbitrary number of prime factors, arXiv : 1811.05957 (2018).