Claudia García

Postdoctoral fellow at UB
Research area: Partial Differential Equations

PhD in Mathematics obtained at Universit´e de Rennes 1 & Universidad de Granada (2020)


I am a postdoctoral researcher at Universitat de Barcelona associated to the ERC-St CAPA leaded by Javier Gomez Serrano. I am also member of the BGSMath.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Universidad de Granada supervised by Juan Soler. From September 2016 to October 2020, I was a Ph.D. student in cotutelle between the University of Granada (Spain) and University of Rennes 1 (France), funded by a national Spanish FPU grant (ref. FPU15/04094). My two advisores are: Juan Soler and Taoufik Hmidi. Recently, I have obtained the thesis prize of the Laboratoire Blaise Pascal in France: click here for more information!

My research focuses on the analysis of relative equilibria in Partial Differential Equations. More particularly, I study steady patterns in some incompressible fluid models such as the Euler equations, the quasi-geostrophic shallow water equations or the quasi-geostrophic equations.

Click here to download an updated version of my CV (last version: February 2022).

Selected publications

  • J. Campos, C. García, J. Soler Kinks and solitons in linear and nonlinear-diffusion Keller-Segel
    type models with logarithmic sensitivity. arXiv:2102.13480, 2021.
  • C. García, Vortex patches choreography for active scalar equations. arXiv:2010.07361, 2020 (accepted
    in Journal of Nonlinear Science).
  • C. García, T. Hmidi, J. Mateu, Time periodic solutions for the 3D quasigeostrophic system.
    arXiv:2004.01644, 2020.
  • C. García, Kármán Vortex Street in incompressible uid models. Nonlinearity 33 (2020), 1625{1676.
  • C. García, T. Hmidi, J. Soler, Non uniform rotating vortices and periodic orbits for the two{
    dimensional Euler equations. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 238 (2020), 929{1086.